Valentine Day Cake Pops

These cake pops are sure to make every Valentine Day sweet! Here is what you'll need:
- Funfetti® Radiant Red Cupcake & Cake Mix, Heart shaped cake molds (or mold by hand), 2 bags candy melts (white and pink), sprinkles for decorating

Yield (approximately) 12 cake pops

Now let's put it all together!
1) First you need to bake your cake. Once it's baked and cooled, use a food processor to crumble the cake. Or if you don't have a food processor you could crumble the cake by hand by breaking the cake in two and rubbing the two halves together.

2) Next you mix in your frosting. Make sure the cake is the consistency of play-dough
Insert cake mix into your heart mold.

3) Chill for 2 hours

4) Melt your candy melts

5) Remove your cake pops from the fridge. Dip some chocolate onto your candy sticks and insert part way into your cake pop.

6) When the candy sticks are inserted emerge the cake into chocolate

7) The rest is up to you! Decorate your cake pop however you want!


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